Cyber Security Fundamentals for Your Next Career Move

Topics to Cover:• Overview of the Cyber Threat Landscape and the impact on governments, organizations, employees, customers and citizens. • Updated cyber-security industry norms and requirements, technology trends, skills, and […]

Accounting Certification and Employment in Canada

Are you interested to continue your career as an accounting professional in Canada?Equip yourself with the skills needed to make yourself an effective business leader in Canada. Get the credentials […]

Job Search Strategy In Canada

The pandemic has brought profound changes in our life and work. On one hand, there is a wave of resignation and shortage of workers, and on the other hand, there […]

Meet the Employer – RBC (Royal Bank of Canada)

RBC is a global financial institution with a purpose-driven, principles-led approach to delivering leading performance, and creating value for our clients and communities. We are one of Canada’s biggest banks, […]

How To Jumpstart An Accounting Career In Canada?

Are you looking for a career that is assured with job security and opportunities for career advancement? The accounting profession would be the answer.Accounting is considered “the language of business,” […]

Careers of Supply Chain Management in Canada

• Are you going to immigrate to Canada as a Supply Chain Management professional?• Would you like to explore career opportunities in the Canadian Supply Chain Management field? • Do […]


• 加拿大买房的基本流程是什么?• 买房过程中,地产经纪,贷款专员,地产律师,各有什么职责?• Title Insurance是什么?可以帮助我们避免房屋买卖诈骗的风险吗?不知大家留意到了吗?最近加拿大主流媒体频频曝光有关冒充身份盗卖房产的新闻, 让原本因为央行不断加息,以及外国买家禁令实施而风云迭起的加拿大房地产市场更加富有戏剧性。 机遇与风险永远是一枚硬币的两面。作为外来的新移民,我们更需要做好知识储备,充分了解当地市场和交易规则,做到自己心中有数,而不是人云亦云,才能更好地规避风险,保护自己的利益。 买房是每个家庭的大事,无论是买来自住还是用于投资,都需要审慎决策。 如何找到合适的房源, 如何锁定贷款额度,如何发送买方要约,如何通过法律和财务审查……如果您有上面所述的疑问,欢迎参加本次讲座, 我们荣幸地邀请到多伦多WIN&WIN TEAM的Sofia Wu 和 Forrest Wang结合她们从业十多年的专业经验,为您介绍加拿大买房的 全流程,希望通过她们的专业知识,帮助您少走弯路,做好准备,更快融入加拿大本地生活。