
加拿大银行的种类 找银行工作要如何入手 必备证书及职业发展路径 加拿大银行体系的稳健安全是世界公认的。之所以让人刮目相看,靠的是实实在在的业绩,和面对危机打压的岿然不动。2019年北美最安全的银行的前5名被加拿大银行囊括。 这就不难理解加拿大的银行业也是就业大票仓, 国内雇员大约有28万,银行从业人员大约占了加拿大劳动力的15%, 为打工人提供了广阔的职业发展空间。本期讲座, G-TAC很高兴地邀请到Catharine Xue, 分享她在加拿大银行从业 的心得,希望可以帮助有志于在银行从业的新移民或者留学生朋友们。  

Introduction au marché du travail Québécois/ Introduction to the Quebec labor market

Introduction au marché du travail québécois, ses mythes et ses réalités, incluant ses emplois d’avenir et l’importance du plan d’intégration à l’emploi pour structurer sa recherche d’emploi et progresser dans sa carrière professionnelle.Introduction to the Quebec labor market, its myths and realities, including jobs with a promising future and the importance of the employment integration […]


过热市场下的房屋买卖过程中,会出现什么样的‘坑’,该如何避免? 刚需为主的市场情况下,会有怎样的‘坑’, 该怎样防范? 西方有个谚语:rules were meant to be broken. 这就是所谓‘坑’产生的温床。 客观讲, 加拿大是个法治社会的典型,社会生活的方方面面都有法可依。涉及家庭财产根基的房地产行业的交易,更是有严谨严格的法律规范和保障制度。然而有商业交易的地方就会有操作空间,尽管这个操作空间也许很小,却可以制造两个产物:机会,或者‘坑’/‘陷阱’。在加拿大地产交易中的所谓的陷阱,其原因不外乎1)我们购房者不了解本地市场,2)不了解加拿大的房屋特征,3)不明白在购房中应该就不同的房型有不同的关注。 本期讲座,G-TAC很荣幸邀请到常年的金牌地产经纪Sofia Wu 和Forrest Wang,根据她们的专业知识和多年的工作经验,帮助大家了解加拿大的住房买卖过程中的一些特点,在买卖中应该关注的方面,不能够忽视的问题,如何避免虚假广告,如何在合同中规范好买卖双方的责权,目的只有一个:避免房屋买卖中坑/陷阱。希望她们的专业知识和经验,可以帮助新移民朋友们,少走弯路,避免损失,实现共赢。  

Nailing that Job Interview!

How to get prepared for a job interview? Learn some helpful tips that be applied in your next interview. We all know that interviews can be extremely stressful and intimidating. To alleviate some of that stress, preparation is your key to success! In this webinar, we’ll cover the basic interview questions, but also provide you with some […]

Bridging the Gap to Employment in Canada

Humber’s tailored newcomer programs will help you to:• Develop the technical skills & soft skills being demanded by Canadian employers • Connect with employers through targeted hiring events • Build your professional network in Canada Humber college is the largest polytechnic in Canada. Its unique approach unleashes innovative and entrepreneurial thinking and prepares students for […]

Opportunities & Challenges in Canada’s Food & Beverage Manufacturing Sector

Food and beverage manufacturing is a major industry for Canada, both domestically and internationally. Beyond its importance to the economy the food and beverage manufacturing is of critical importance to the lives of Canadians, because at the end of the day we all need to eat.To highlight the current challenges and opportunities in the sector, […]

Cyber Security Fundamentals for Your Next Career Move

Topics to Cover:• Overview of the Cyber Threat Landscape and the impact on governments, organizations, employees, customers and citizens. • Updated cyber-security industry norms and requirements, technology trends, skills, and tools. • Career paths and job opportunities of cyber-security related occupations. Cyber security becomes more critical than ever, while digital economy is playing an important […]

Accounting Certification and Employment in Canada

Are you interested to continue your career as an accounting professional in Canada?Equip yourself with the skills needed to make yourself an effective business leader in Canada. Get the credentials that employers demand, and become a CPA, a Chartered Professional Accountant! Learn how by participating in this live 1 hour webinar presented by Sheila Cheung, […]

Meet the Employer – Synopsys | EDA Tools, Semiconductor IP and Application

Are you interested in chip design, verification, IP integration and application security testing? Welcome to join the webinar presented by Synopsys to learn about their job opportunities, and how you can join them!Synopsys technology is at the heart of innovations that are changing the way we live and work. The Internet of Things. Autonomous cars. […]

Job Search Strategy In Canada

The pandemic has brought profound changes in our life and work. On one hand, there is a wave of resignation and shortage of workers, and on the other hand, there are people, in particular newcomers, unable to find jobs relevant to their professional background, or encounter bottlenecks in their career advancement. As a job seeker, […]

Meet the Employer – RBC (Royal Bank of Canada)

RBC is a global financial institution with a purpose-driven, principles-led approach to delivering leading performance, and creating value for our clients and communities. We are one of Canada’s biggest banks, and among the largest in the world based on market capitalization. We have 89,000+ full- and part-time employees who serve 17 million clients in Canada, […]