Fast-track to Become a Licensed Electrician in Canada

The electrician is a licensed occupation in Canada. It is a highly rewarding career with many benefits: such as good pay, stable job, regular work schedule.  There are a wide range of job opportunities for electricians and it is in high demand in the construction industry. Moreover, you can have your own business. In this […]

Career Paths and Transferrable Skills in Canada’s Construction Industry

The industry’s hiring for business, trades & licensed technical specialists. Do you want free one-on-one employment coaching to support your career transition to Canada before you move? Access pre-arrival employment supports, connections and live job leads through BCCA-Integrating Newcomers Available to you online and at your own pace no matter what city, province or territory you’re heading to. […]


加拿大有哪些常见的基本福利?您想知道与新移民相关的福利有哪些? 申请这些福利需要有什么资格和条件呢?   加拿大福利制度非常完善,种类繁多,增加了解,常听常新。本讲座由渥太华移民服务中心的资深安居辅导员Lisa Hou 主讲。Lisa 多年来服务本地社区,帮助新移民适应当地生活和融入当地社区,知识丰富,经验丰富。她在本次讲座中将会概况介绍加拿大联邦政府提供的最常见的几种社会福利,让您轻松了解消费税退税、儿童福利、失业保险金,和老人福利等相关内容。    

Meet the Employer – Tangerine Bank

Tangerine is hiring!About Tangerine: As you may have noticed, Tangerine isn’t like a typical bank. For one thing, we don’t have expensive brick-and-mortar branches, which means we can pass those savings on to our customers. Although Tangerine is a bank without branches, we are much more than a website on the Internet. Our presence is […]

加拿大房屋保养与维护 – 室内篇

在加拿大拥有房产,需要哪些必要的维护?不同类型的房产对维护的需求有差异吗? 房屋的维护对房产增值的影响很大吗? 在加拿大拥有自己的漂亮洋房并不是遥不可及的事情。房子是价如金坚的过硬资产,但是需要温柔关照的。特别是对于我们新移民,加拿大的房子和气候与我们在中国熟悉的环境都有很大的差别,在维护方面是需要学习和一些知识储备的。 无论自住还是投资,房子的日常维护都非常重要。加拿大四季分明,冬季寒冷漫长,房屋的维护还有季节性的因素。那么我们应该做哪些必要的日常维护工作,换季时候又应该做哪些整修更换, 不仅事关我们居住的舒适,更关乎维修的支出和麻烦的大小,不仅可以减少不必要的大修大换费用, 同时为将来的保值升值打好基础。 非常高兴在这样一个早春时节和大家一起讨论加拿大房屋的日常维护保养,如何做一个合格的业主,爱我们的家,维护保养我们的家园。, 本期讲座由G-TAC的特约多伦多房产专家SOFIA WU和FORREST WANG 主讲, 据说不了解房屋维护就成不了金牌地产经纪。我们一起期待。    

How to Tap into The Hidden Job Market?

What is a hidden job in Canada?Where to find the hidden job opportunities? How to turn a hidden job opportunity into a job offer? According a research finding that up to 75% of jobs are not advertised or posted online, and there are a number of reasons for employers to do so. Where are those […]


魁省报税需要准备的材料有哪些? 报税后您和您的家庭可能享受的福利有哪些?  符合退税和抵税的款项有哪些? 在魁省住多久才可以领到‘团结税’? 欢迎您移民来到来魁北克省。蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市,一直是来自世界各地的新移民的首选之地。鉴于历史渊源和语言的独特性,魁省在经济文化以及新移民服务方面有一些不同于其他省份的特点。又到了一年一度的报税季节了,如果您担心法语不流利对报税有影响,或者想知道自己对魁省报税不是很了解该怎么办? 我们的特邀嘉宾蒙特利尔CARI St-Laurent新移民安居指导员王立新女士,她会给大家介绍在魁省报税的一些基础知识,报税与福利,税局志愿者报税服务,以及新移民在报税方面可以得到哪些社区帮助。王女士有多年的魁省新移民安居辅导经验,她更是CARI St-Laurent在新移民报税活动的负责专员。讲座将以普通话进行,敬请参加。  

Business Analysis Creates Career Opportunities

What is Business Analysis & Who is a Business Analyst? What does a Business Analyst do? What are the Personal Competencies of an effective BA?  About the Speaker: Stephanie Lachman-Doucet is a dynamic individual with experience driving organizational growth and efficiencies through the skillful design, development, deployment, and support of mission critical business processes and […]


– 您知道萨省的医保体系吗?– 您想知道在萨省如何就医吗? – 除了免费的医疗服务,政府还有哪些医药补助援助计划? 当地人讲当地事: 本期讲座,我们邀请了号称“萨省姐夫”的萨省老移民 Jeff Fang先生为大家介绍萨斯喀切温省的健康保险计划(SHA)情况,帮您了解相关医疗服务,医保卡、家庭医生的相关问题,并就如何就诊,如何看专科医生,以及萨省的保健福利,如儿童药物计划、低收入家庭健康福利等等进行介绍。带您一步步地从看病小白到就诊熟手,真正领略加拿大的全民免费医疗—-根据需要而不是支付能力提供医疗必需的医疗保健服务。  

What’s unique about the construction industry in terms of employers/hiring needs in Canada?

• What’s unique about the construction industry in terms of employers/hiring needs?• What is the licensing process for the top three professions in the construction industry: skilled trades, engineers, and architects? • How do I get supports if I want to start my career in this industry? Description: Contributing7.5 per cent of Canada’s GDP, and […]


– 初至加拿大,如何”快速”找到”专业对口的工作?– 如何克服网申工作时简历石沉大海的困局和尴尬? – 好不容易拿到面试机会,该注意哪些细节确保通过? 在加拿大人生地不熟工作很难找吗?entry-level的岗位是否值得尝试?无论移民前的工作经历多么丰富,工作成就如何耀眼,移民来到加拿大都会多多少少面对一些挑战。 同时, 在陌生的国度如何快速职场启航,对个人和家庭都很重要。本期讲座, 我们很高兴地邀请到Tina Wu, 为大家分享她在加拿大找工作过程中总结出的技巧和经验,相信一定可以帮到正在找工作的朋友们。 Tina在来加拿大前一直在银行工作,而且取得了非常优秀的成绩。定居于加拿大东部城市哈利法克斯后,仅用2月时间就斩获了加国五大银行中4家银行的offer, 逢面必过;更为令人赞赏的是,她不仅自己一直在职场不断努力进步,同时非常热心分享自己在职业发展 期间的心得,包括秘籍和干货。让我们一起变得强大!  

Understanding the Career Path to UX Designer

“We need more people with UX skills in tech and this is a great avenue for people to start a new career in this field or make a career change.”(Catherine, VP of Design at Google)”Led by a veteran UX Design practitioner with over a decade of insider know-hows, this workshop looks at UX design as a […]