Hiring Info Session – Tech Sector

Are you passionate about technology and looking to advance your career in the thriving Canadian tech sector? Look no further! We invite you to our exclusive Hiring Info Session, where […]

Canadian Workplace Culture 101

As you arrive in Canada – the land of opportunities, your priority is getting a job as soon as possible. Before you start your new job, why not familiarize yourself […]


房屋在我们生活中有着至关重要的作用,它不仅提供了遮风挡雨的庇护,以及享受人间温情的场所,更是我们家庭的重要资产之一。然而,在加拿大这个严寒的国度,秋冬季的来临带来了一系列对房屋保养的特殊挑战。为了确保您的房屋在冬季中保持舒适,安全,以及保值增值,我们诚挚邀请您参加我们即将举行的加拿大秋冬季房屋保养与养护讲座。讲座内容的主要内容包括: 1. 季节性保养计划:我们将与您分享加拿大秋冬季房屋保养的需要考虑那些因素,包含那些内容,包括屋顶,窗户,门,外墙等关键区域。这些计划将帮助您在寒冷季节中保持温暖,避免不必要的损耗。 2. 节能与暖气系统维护:了解如何优化您的供暖系统,以节省能源费用,同时确保您的家庭在含量的日子依旧温暖舒适。 3. 冬季风险防范于管控:冬季不仅意味着低温,还伴随着冰雪、冻雨等极端天气条件。我们将分享如何准备应对这些情况,以保护您的房屋免受损害。 4. 保养预算规划:学习如何为房屋保养与维修制定合理的预算,以避免不必要的支出。 本期讲座由G-TAC的特约多伦多房产专家SOFIA WU和EDWARD XIN 为您主讲,并设有问答环节,解答您有关房屋养护的相关问题。 据说不了解房屋维护就成不了金牌地产经纪。我们拭目以待。 敬请参加~~  

? Hiring Info Session by Bench Accounting ?

Bench Accounting is a fintech company that uses proprietary software to automate bookkeeping and provide financials for small business owners. We invite you to our upcoming Hiring Info Session that […]

Get Ready for Your First Weeks in Canada

Are you ready to embark on your exciting journey in Canada? Moving to a new country brings both opportunities and challenges. Our informative webinar is designed to guide you through […]

Hiring Info Session – by Communications Security Establishment

Various career opportunities are available at the Communications Security Establishment (CSE)! The Communications Security Establishment (CSE) is one of Canada’s key security and intelligence organizations. For over 75 years, CSE […]

Hiring Info Session – Sanmina

Sanmina is hiring.Join us at the Sanmina Hiring Event to Explore Your Future! In this info session, you will: – discover the heart of Sanmina’s corporate culture, – explore exciting […]