Meet the Employer – Desjardins

– What is the career path at Desjardins?– Why Desjardins is a good choice for your career development? – Why Desjardins becomes a one-stop shop for your financial needs? Whether you are a young professional to start your career or an experience professional with years banking experience, Desjardins welcomes you and has the resource to […]

Cyber Security Fundamentals for the Next Steps for Your Career Development

Topics to Cover:• Overview of the Cyber Threat Landscape and the impact on governments, organizations, employees, customers and citizens. • Updated cyber-security industry norms and requirements, technology trends, skills, and tools. • Career paths and job opportunities of cyber-security related occupations. While digital economy is playing an important role to drive the economic growth, cyber […]

How to Fast Track Your Career in the Accounting Field of Canada?

The need for accounting professionals is on the rise. While accounting is considered “the language of business,” and applying the acumen of the discipline plays an important role to a company’s success. It all adds up when you consider that professional accountants can serve in almost any capacity from individual proprietors to upper management positions […]

Tips on Planning for Employment in Canada

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet. That’s why preparing for your employment as early as you can is a crucial step to a successful job search in Canada. This webinar will talk about carefully planning your short and long-term career goals to secure yourself a meaningful job in Canada. We will also talk about […]

蒙特利尔欢迎你 – 蒙城新移民服务介绍

如何申请魁省的医疗卡和医药计划?如何在蒙城给孩子注册欢迎班? 如何获取蒙城的新移民服务信息 欢迎您移民来到来魁北克省。蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市,一直是移居魁省的新移民朋友的首选之地,也是65家大型国际机构设立公司总部的办公地点。鉴于历史渊源和语言的独特性,魁省在经济文化以及新移民服务方面均有一些不同于加拿大其他省份的特点。 法语不流利怎么办?如何在蒙城安居找工作, 蒙城的衣食住行方便吗? 我们的特邀嘉宾蒙特利尔CARI St-Laurent新移民安居指导员Lixin Wang,给大家介绍魁省蒙特利尔地区定居的相关重要信息,包括住房,医疗保健,和孩子的教育等等。 王女士有超过10年的丰富的魁省新移民安居辅导经验,热心提供专业服务,帮助新移民更快适应当地生活。专业的人讲专业的事,敬请参加。      

Meet the Employer – Solace

Who is Solace?What positions are they looking to hire? What is the hiring process and how to join them? About Solace: Solace helps large enterprises become modern and real-time by giving them everything they need to make their business operations and customer interactions event-driven. With PubSub+, the market’s first and only event management platform, the […]


– 什么是北美沟通技巧中常说的elevator pitch?– 如何在面试中tell me about yourself? – 什么是职场工作中的small talk? 新移民移居海外找到心仪的专业工作不是一件容易的事情,但是也绝对不是不可能的事情。了解好游戏规则,做好充分的准备,一切皆有可能。加强沟通能力/communication skills就是必做功课之一,无论在求职阶段,还是在入职后的职业发展阶段都很重要。 很多招聘岗位的描述中都会要求应聘者具备良好的口头和书面沟通能力/communication skills。沟通能力/communication skills可以简单归纳为提高英文表达,更可以复杂归纳为对当地/职场文化的理解和融入。 本期讲座,结合G-TAC多年来帮助新移民客户找工作的经验,Mr. Shaw Quan, G-TAC 的资深就业顾问,将为大家由简入深地介绍新移民在加拿大进入职场过程中会遇到的communications问题以及如何应对。敬请参加。

Explore the Career Path for Nursing Related Occupations in Canada

With the looming aging population, Canada needs more healthcare professionals. While the process to become a registered nurse can be long and complicated, there are other options and career path for internationally educated nurses (IENs) to fast track their career in Canada. In this webinar, from the subject matter experts of the industry, you will […]


在招聘求职高度网络化的时代,Hidden Job Market还存在吗? 高新科技在招聘程序上的应用有哪些?求职者应该如何应对? 什么是主动型求职者?如何才能转变为主动型求职者? 一场疫情带给我们的工作和生活上巨大的改变。作为新移民求职者,了解北美职场在后疫情时代的招聘新趋势以及应对的正确做法能让你的求职之路更顺畅。 主讲人Ariane Guan, 卡尔加里成长并参加工作,有超过10年为新移民服务的工作经验。目前就职于卡尔加里大学,就业顾问。在这个讲座中她将会分享最新的疫情后人才招聘的新趋势以及应对技巧,同时帮助大家了解拓展人脉和争取内推的方法。    

Meet the Employer – SSENSE

SSENSE has continued to grow and want talent from various domains to join their team.About the Employer: SSENSE is a multi-brand retailer based in Montreal, Canada specialising in the sale of designer fashion and high end streetwear. It was founded as an e-commerce platform in 2003. The company delivers to 114 countries around the world and operates websites in French, English, Japanese and Korean.Technology […]


阿尔伯塔省就业市场信息 阿尔伯塔省新移民就业服务介绍 阿尔伯塔省位于加拿大西部,省会为埃德蒙顿市,最大的城市为卡尔加里市。作为加拿大人均GDP最高的省份,该省经济支柱为石油开采/加工和旅游。阿省不仅石油、天然气、油砂、煤炭等藏量丰厚,其农业资源也非常丰富,是加拿大主要粮食及饲料产地。同时,阿省致力于产业多元化,目前高科技发达,电讯、软件、遥感、纳米科技、 生命科学以至畜牧、育种等研究及成就举世闻名。随着能源价格的复苏,阿尔伯塔省的经济和就业市场呈现持续利好趋势。 根据加拿大统计局2021年公布的数据,阿省省会埃德蒙顿是全加拿大移民保留率最高的三大城市之一。而在经济类移民中,埃德蒙顿的移民保留率最高,这主要与新移民有更多机会将自己的工作技能融入到本地劳动力市场有关。一直以来,阿尔伯塔省为新移民提供非常多样化的安顿和就业服务。本期讲座,我们将以埃德蒙顿和卡尔加里两大城市为例,重点介绍阿省政府和非盈利机构为新移民提供的各种就业服务包括职业规划,就业咨询,就业培训等。 主讲人: 葛凌 葛女士 拥有15年的教育培训经验,涉及公共部门,私营公司,以及非盈利机构等不同行业部门。她现任职于Edmonton Mennonite Center for Newcomers ( EMCN),岗位是 Facilitator and Skill Development Coach 。业余时间,Ling 是一位热心 的社区组织的志愿者。 加拿大三大移民保留率最高的三大城市分别为:温哥华,多伦多, 埃德蒙顿。  

Your First Weeks in Canada – First Things First

Are you excited to start your new life in Canada?Moving to a new country can be both an exciting and challenging experience. That’s why in this webinar we will talk about the important things that you need to do as soon as you arrive. The webinar will cover the following topics: – Important Documents – […]