Introduction of Job Search Strategy in Canada

The pandemic has brought profound changes in our life and work. On one hand, there is a wave of resignation and shortage of workers, and on the other hand, there […]

Effective Ways To Get More Out Of An Online Job Fair

How to make an effective introduction? When interacting with a recruiter, how to use professional communication? How to leverage the event to network to grow your professional circle and catch […]

How to Write An Effective Resume

What are “keywords” and how do I incorporate them in my resume? How to write an interesting summary that will get the employers attention? What is the difference between a […]

Register Now: G-TAC’s 12th National Virtual Career Expo

Ever heard of skills and labour shortage in Canada? Ever wondering where to find the job that will unleash your passion and potentials? Ever pondering re-launch your career to fulfill […]

Brand Yourself on LinkedIn

Why LinkedIn is important for your career growth? How to improve your profile to get more notice on LinkedIn? About the Speaker: Sashie Steenstra: With over 20 years’ experience in […]

Meet the Employer – PurposeMed

Who is PurposeMed? What are the employment opportunities & hiring process at PurposeMed? How can you stand out and land a job offer as PurposeMed? At PurposeMed, forget “healthcare” as […]

加拿大房屋的日常维护和保养 – 室外篇

在加拿大拥有房产,需要哪些必要的维护? 不同类型的房产对维护的需求有差异吗? 房屋的维护对房产增值的影响很大吗? 在加拿大拥有自己的漂亮洋房并不是遥不可及的事情。房子是价如金坚的过硬资产,但是需要温柔关照的。特别是对于我们新移民,加拿大的房子和气候与我们在中国熟悉的环境都有很大的差别,在维护方面是需要学习和一些知识储备的。 无论自住还是投资,房子的日常维护都非常重要。加拿大四季分明,冬季寒冷漫长,房屋的维护还有季节性的因素。那么我们应该做哪些必要的日常维护工作,换季时候又应该做哪些整修更换, 不仅事关我们居住的舒适,更关乎维修的支出和麻烦的大小,不仅可以减少不必要的大修大换费用, 同时为将来的保值升值打好基础。 非常高兴在这样一个金秋季节和大家一起讨论加拿大房屋的日常维护保养,如何做一个合格的业主,爱我们的家,维护保养我们的家园。本期讲座由G-TAC的特约多伦多房产专家SOFIA WU和FORREST WANG 主讲, 据说不了解房屋维护就成不了金牌地产经纪。我们拭目以待。 敬请参加。  

Meet the Employer – Sanmina

Sanmina is hiring! Sanmina designs, manufactures and repairs some of the most complex and innovative optical, electronic and mechanical products in the world.We’re looking for talented, enthusiastic people to join […]