Meet the Employer – IBM

Topics to cover: Learn about IBM jobs, how to apply, what to expect, types of roles and locations we hire for IBM culture and work environment / support and learning […]


高新科技在招聘程序上的应用有哪些?求职者应该如何应对? 什么是主动型求职者?如何才能转变为主动型求职者? 如何制定自己的求职计划,提高找工作的效果? 一场疫情带给我们的工作和生活上巨大的改变。一边是辞职潮和用工短缺,一边是新移民无法找到心仪工作,或者职业上升遇到瓶颈。作为新移民求职者,了解当地职场的招聘新趋势以及学习找工作的技巧,对自己的职业发展是十分必要的。有备而来,才能脱颖而出! 主讲人Ariane Guan, 卡尔加里成长并参加工作,有超过10年为新移民服务的工作经验。目前就职于卡尔加里大学,就业顾问。在这个讲座中她将会分享最新的疫情后人才招聘的新趋势以及应对技巧,同时帮助大家了解拓展人脉和争取内推的方法。  

Introduction of Job Search Strategy in Canada

The pandemic has brought profound changes in our life and work. On one hand, there is a wave of resignation and shortage of workers, and on the other hand, there […]

Effective Ways To Get More Out Of An Online Job Fair

How to make an effective introduction? When interacting with a recruiter, how to use professional communication? How to leverage the event to network to grow your professional circle and catch […]

How to Write An Effective Resume

What are “keywords” and how do I incorporate them in my resume? How to write an interesting summary that will get the employers attention? What is the difference between a […]

Register Now: G-TAC’s 12th National Virtual Career Expo

Ever heard of skills and labour shortage in Canada? Ever wondering where to find the job that will unleash your passion and potentials? Ever pondering re-launch your career to fulfill […]

Brand Yourself on LinkedIn

Why LinkedIn is important for your career growth? How to improve your profile to get more notice on LinkedIn? About the Speaker: Sashie Steenstra: With over 20 years’ experience in […]

Meet the Employer – PurposeMed

Who is PurposeMed? What are the employment opportunities & hiring process at PurposeMed? How can you stand out and land a job offer as PurposeMed? At PurposeMed, forget “healthcare” as […]