Introduction of Benefits and Credits and the Canadian Tax system for Newcomers

The right information for the right start! In this 1.5 hours webinar, the officers from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will introduce:– What are the benefits and credits that newcomers may be eligible? – How to apply for the benefits and credits? About the Speakers: Line Goulet “I am originally from Quebec and have lived in […]

Meet the Employer: Employment Opportunities at Horizon Health Network

Horizon is the largest regional health authority – and one of the largest employers – in New Brunswick, and the second-largest health authority in Atlantic Canada. Our leadership and health care providers are experts in diverse areas of health and community services and provide services to a half a million people.Horizon has an annual budget […]


作为新移民租客如何租到适合的房子, 签订租约的时候应该注意什么? 作为房东,怎么找到那个省心的好租客,如何尽量避免不良租客? 房东与租客就像一枚硬币的两面,共生共存。移民来到加拿大,每个人的生活理念不同境遇不同。 有的人乐于投资,当起了物主房东。有的人或者在择机等候,或者为了孩子上学,为了靠近工作单位,或者只是为了简单,选择租房。 总之,房主与租客共生共存,各自都应该了解自己的权益,做好基本的预期准备,才能适得其所。出租还是租房都是为了更好的生活,减少不必要的麻烦是双方的共同需要。 Sofia Wu                   Forrest Wang 本期讲座我们很高兴地邀请到WIN&WIN team的SOFIA WU/FORREST WANG,两位常年是金牌地产经纪,他们将根据各自的多年经验,为新移民朋友介绍在加拿大出租房的那些事, 希望大家做好知识储备以及预期准备,顺利在加拿大安居乐业。    

Career Opportunities in Ottawa – Capital of Canada

Join Invest Ottawa as they expand on why Ottawa is a great city to grow your career. They will highlight Ottawa’s booming technology sector, competitive business costs, and quality of life during their presentationOttawa is a globally recognized, innovative and future-ready city and the best place to learn, work, and play. Invest Ottawa is a […]

Jumpstart Your Accounting Profession in Canada

The need for accounting professionals is on the rise. While accounting is considered “the language of business,” and applying the acumen of the discipline plays an important role to a company’s success. It all adds up when you consider that professional accountants can serve in almost any capacity from individual proprietors to upper management positions […]

Overview of the Mining Industry of Canada by MiHR

1. The Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) studies Canada’s mining labour market. With mining being one of the country’s most important economic sectors and a major job creator, what’s the current state of the national mining labour market?2. Where can job seekers learn more about mining, its available careers and where their skills may […]

Explore Career Paths in Cybersecurity

Topics to Cover: Overview of the Cyber Threat Landscape and the impact on governments, organizations, employees, customers and citizens. Updated cyber-security industry norms and requirements, technology trends, skills, and tools. Career paths and job opportunities of cyber-security related occupations. While digital economy is playing an important role to drive the economic growth, cyber security becomes […]

How Does Banking System Work In Canada?

Topics to Cover:-Types of bank accounts in Canada -Why credit history is so important in Canada? -Desjardins offers About the Speakers:  Yunzhu’s bio: Yunzhu Huang, Business strategies advisor with 4+ years banking experiences and 8 years customer services experiences. Master in administration and evaluation in education from Université Laval. Specialize in personal financial services (mortgages […]

How to Protect Yourself Against Fraud in Canada?

Topics to Cover: What to expect if the CRA contacts you? How to understand and recognize the different types of scams? What you can do to be scam smart? Welcome to join the officers from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to learn how to protect yourself against fraud in Canada.    

Overview Of Your Post-Secondary Education Options In Canada

– What are the differences between Canadian universities and colleges?– What are the bridging programs and how can internationally trained professionals benefit for them? In this webinar, Next Stop Canada Youth Information and Referral Specialists, Kasthuri Jeyaraj and Kathleen Velasco, will provide an overview of your post-secondary education options in Canada. They will give some […]


您想了解魁省的健康卡提供哪些医疗服务及药物计划吗? 您知道魁省健康卡对于居住时间的要求吗? 您想了解在魁省以外发生的医疗费用如何申请报销吗? 加拿大福利制度非常完善,种类繁多。在医疗方面,各省都有比较完善的保障,以确保每个人都病有所医。在魁北克省,每个公民包括永久居民都有权享受由魁省健康卡(俗称太阳卡)提供的免费医疗服务。 G-TAC很荣幸地邀请到蒙特利尔新移民服务机构CARI St-Laurent的新移民安居指导员Lixin Wang女士,为大家介绍魁省健康卡的相关信息,帮助您了解自己和家人可以享受的相关医疗服务和补贴。王女士有超过10年的魁省新移民安居辅导经验,热心提供专业服务,帮助新移民更快适应当地生活。 讲座将以普通话进行,敬请参加。  

Meet the Employer – IBM

Topics to cover: Learn about IBM jobs, how to apply, what to expect, types of roles and locations we hire for IBM culture and work environment / support and learning opportunities, career growth At IBM, diversity and inclusion has been a priority for over 100 years. We continue to build on that strong legacy with […]