Brand Yourself on LinkedIn

Why LinkedIn is important for your career growth? How to improve your profile to get more notice on LinkedIn? About the Speaker: Sashie Steenstra: With over 20 years’ experience in post-secondary and non-profit settings, Sashie’s career has focused on workforce development, experiential learning, curriculum design, workshop facilitation, business development and project management. She joined ICTC […]

Meet the Employer – PurposeMed

Who is PurposeMed? What are the employment opportunities & hiring process at PurposeMed? How can you stand out and land a job offer as PurposeMed? At PurposeMed, forget “healthcare” as you know it. We put patients at the centre of everything we do. Our mission is to improve access to complex care for underserved communities. […]

How to Fast Track Your Career in the Accounting Field in Canada?

The need for accounting professionals is on the rise.  While accounting is considered “the language of business,” and applying the acumen of the discipline plays an important role to a company’s success. It all adds up when you consider that professional accountants can serve in almost any capacity from individual proprietors to upper management positions […]

加拿大房屋的日常维护和保养 – 室外篇

在加拿大拥有房产,需要哪些必要的维护? 不同类型的房产对维护的需求有差异吗? 房屋的维护对房产增值的影响很大吗? 在加拿大拥有自己的漂亮洋房并不是遥不可及的事情。房子是价如金坚的过硬资产,但是需要温柔关照的。特别是对于我们新移民,加拿大的房子和气候与我们在中国熟悉的环境都有很大的差别,在维护方面是需要学习和一些知识储备的。 无论自住还是投资,房子的日常维护都非常重要。加拿大四季分明,冬季寒冷漫长,房屋的维护还有季节性的因素。那么我们应该做哪些必要的日常维护工作,换季时候又应该做哪些整修更换, 不仅事关我们居住的舒适,更关乎维修的支出和麻烦的大小,不仅可以减少不必要的大修大换费用, 同时为将来的保值升值打好基础。 非常高兴在这样一个金秋季节和大家一起讨论加拿大房屋的日常维护保养,如何做一个合格的业主,爱我们的家,维护保养我们的家园。本期讲座由G-TAC的特约多伦多房产专家SOFIA WU和FORREST WANG 主讲, 据说不了解房屋维护就成不了金牌地产经纪。我们拭目以待。 敬请参加。  

Meet the Employer – Sanmina

Sanmina is hiring! Sanmina designs, manufactures and repairs some of the most complex and innovative optical, electronic and mechanical products in the world.We’re looking for talented, enthusiastic people to join our dynamic team.  Skills and experience of interest for our various open positions would include*: Previous electronics manufacturing / repair education & experience Optical / […]

加拿大职场必备技能: communications skills, 你达标了吗?

• 什么是北美沟通技巧中常说的elevator pitch?• 如何在面试中tell me about yourself? • 什么是职场工作中的small talk? 很多雇主表示他们会很看重求职者的软技能,他们认为硬技能是可以通过短期培训获得的,而有些重要的软技能,可能需要长期的训练或者锻炼,才可以具备。比如说沟通能力/communication skills。的确有效的沟通能力/communication skills是职场人的必备技能,无论在求职阶段,还是在入职后的职业发展阶段都很重要。 很多招聘岗位的描述中都会要求应聘者具备良好的口头和书面沟通能力/communication skills。沟通能力/communication skills可以简单归纳为提高英文表达,更可以复杂归纳为对当地/职场文化的理解和融入。 本期讲座,结合G-TAC多年来帮助新移民客户找工作的经验,Mr. Shaw Quan, G-TAC 的资深就业顾问,将为大家由简入深地介绍新移民在加拿大进入职场过程中会遇到的communications问题以及如何应对。敬请参加。  

Effective Workplace Communications & Tips

• What is an elevator pitch? Why is it important to build a good contact network?• How to tell about yourself in a job interview? What are the dos and don’ts? • What are small talks in the workplace? Why small talk is anything but small? Good oral and written communication skills are often required […]


• 加拿大房屋贷款的类别• 最新贷款政策介绍 • 加拿大贷款的基本流程 安居乐业应该是每一个移民家庭的小目标吧。 置业既是安居所需,也是资产保全的选择之一。 您知道什么是海外收入项目,什么是新移民贷款项目吗?无论是自住还是投资,您都需要对置业贷款的基本常识有所学习和了解,才能做更有利于自己和家庭的决策。 本期讲座, G-TAC很荣幸地邀请到加拿大皇家银行的贷款专员Robin Yang先生,为大家介绍加拿大房屋贷款的基础知识。Robin Yang, 皇家银行房屋贷款经理,具有七年加拿大房屋贷款工作经验,先后在丰业银行,蒙特利尔银行,及皇家银行从事贷款经理工作。2016年加入皇家银行,连续多年获得全加拿大优秀贷款经理称号,2020年在美国获得皇家银行杰出贡献奖。Robin十年前移民加拿大,在中国是中国注册会计师,注册税务师和注册资产评估师。    

How to Write an Effective Resume

• What are “keywords” and how do I incorporate them in my resume?• How to write an interesting summary that will get the employers attention? • What is the difference between a CV and a resume? Join Consuela Sambour, Resource & Information Specialist, St. Lawrence College, to learn how to create a professional resume for […]


• 您想了解加拿大常见电工的分类吗?• 持牌电工的从业要求是什么?就业前景怎么样? • 没有电工基础,也可以成为持牌电工吗? 持牌电工在加拿大是高薪蓝领工作。随着加拿大建筑业的稳步发展,市场对于持牌电工的需求呈现井喷式的增长,待遇薪水也水涨船高,考取电工证书并就业的朋友更可以享受政府的移民加分政策。 英文不够好,没有电工背景,让很多人对电工职业望而却步。然而,持牌电工其实并非遥不可及。G-TAC非常荣幸地请到加拿大资深电气工程老师Hanson Shen先生,全面介绍电工行业,帮助您在择业方向上多一个选择。 Hanson拥有15年本地行业经验,公立学院的电气教授, 帮助了上千人找到了相关工作。欢迎您和朋友一起参加本次讲座,了解更多职业选择。  

Meet the Employer – Keywords Studios

We are hiring! Keywords Studios is the leading international creative and technical services provider to the global video games industry. Keywords is trusted and relied upon by 23 of 25 top video game companies to work alongside them during concept, development, and live operations of the most popular AAA franchises in the world. About the […]