How to Become a Meter and Instrumentation Technician in Canada

Attention all aspiring technicians! Join us for a life-changing info session that will guide you on your journey to become a successful electricity meter and instrumentation technician in Canada.With the growing need for infrastructure development and maintenance, the demand for meter and instrumentation technicians is on the rise. Additionally, the increasing demand for smart grid […]

Meet the Employer – Northwood: Live more, Healthcare

• Are you looking for a fulfilling career in Healthcare?• Do you want to work for an employer that offers educational opportunities, competitive benefits and an extensive list of corporate discounts? Join us for our upcoming webinar where one of the leading healthcare employers will be sharing their current job openings and the qualifications and […]


• 加拿大各级政府提供了哪些常见的基本福利?• 您想知道与新移民相关的福利有哪些吗? • 您想了解申请这些福利需要有什么资格和条件呢? 加拿大作为全球经济发达国家之一,其福利(Social Security)体系极为完善,为国民提供了广泛的社会保障,比如,加拿大的全民免费医疗保障制度,免费教育,等等。因为完善,所以需要增加了解,常听常新。本讲座由渥太华移民服务中心的资深安居辅导员Lisa Hou主讲。Lisa 多年来服务本地社区,帮助新移民适应当地生活和融入当地社区,知识丰富,经验丰富。她在本次讲座中将会概况介绍加拿大联邦政府提供的最常见的几种社会福利,让您轻松了解消费税退税、儿童福利、失业保险金,和老人福利等相关内容。问答环节,她会实时解答您关心的问题。  

Meet the Employer – QMC | Integrated Submetering and Metering Solutions

Are you looking to advance your career in the energy management industry? Join us for our upcoming hiring info session with QMC – a leading provider of submetering and metering solutions. QMC is looking for talented and motivated individuals to join our team and help us continue to make a positive impact on the energy […]

Hiring Info Session – IBM

Topics to cover: Learn about IBM jobs, how to apply, what to expect, types of roles and locations we hire for IBM culture and work environment / support and learning opportunities, career growth At IBM, diversity and inclusion has been a priority for over 100 years. We continue to build on that strong legacy with […]

Unveiling Canadian Companies and Industries for Optimal Employment Success

Are you tired of sending out job applications without getting any response? Are you struggling to find a job that aligns with your skills and interests? Would you like to know some examples and types of questions to ask a potential employer during a research meeting?If so, join our upcoming webinar on the importance of […]

How to highlight your international education and work experience to Canadian employers

– Are you an internationally trained professional?– Do you have international work experience or education? – Are you wondering HOW you can highlight your achievements to appeal to Canadian employers? In this webinar, we are pleased to welcome Dalia Shalabi, a career coach from Devant who supports international students and internationally trained professionals. As a former international […]

Meet the Employer – Payments Canada

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?Payments Canada is inviting you to attend this hiring info session where you’ll learn about exciting career opportunities within our organization. As the country’s core payment infrastructure, Payments Canada are looking for talented individuals who are passionate about innovation and technology to join our team. […]


讲座主要内容:–  加拿大买卖房屋过程中,房地产律师的主要职责和作用 –  房屋买卖过程中,可能面临的法律风险主要有哪些?因该如何预防? –  当下针对房产交易有哪些不法行为,房主该如何应对化解? 加拿大是一个法制国家,凡事有法可依。在加拿大,房地产律师在房屋交易过程中的介入是法律要求必须的。对于家庭个人而言,房屋买卖因为金额巨大,是一项重大财务行为,需要慎重对待。那么您是否想了解您的房地产律师会如何为您提供保护? 法制的对面就是犯罪,加拿大不是世外桃源,难逃其害。当下针对房产交易而产生的犯罪案件出现了上升趋势,那么房地产律师又可以为我们提供什么样的专业服务保护我们的财产呢? 如果您想了解以上提及的内容,欢迎参加本期讲座, 我们很荣幸邀请到:Martin Wu律师, 为您答疑解惑。  


• 加拿大求职市场的现状和趋势是什么情况?• 在招聘求职高度网络化的时代,如何突破Hidden Job Market的制约? • 高新科技在招聘程序上的应用有哪些?求职者应该如何应对? • 什么是主动型求职者?如何才能转变为主动型求职者? 高速发展的社会给职场人带来了更多的机遇和挑战。找到一份自己喜欢的工作是一件不容易的事情。对于新移民更是如此。但是多难的事情都有解决之道,找工作也是如此。通过正确的策略和技巧,缩短找工作时间,提升找到满意工作的几率,是大有可能的。 欢迎参加本期讲座。主讲人Ariane Guan, 卡尔加里成长并参加工作,有超过10年为新移民服务的工作经验。目前就职于卡尔加里大学,就业顾问。在这个讲座中她将会分享最新的加拿大人才招聘的新趋势以及应对技巧,如何提高自己的职场竞争力,同时帮助大家了解拓展人脉和争取内推的方法。  

How to Write an Effective Resume to Land a Job Interview

• What are “keywords” and how do I incorporate them in my resume?• How to craft a compelling summary to capture the employers attention? • How to showcase your qualifications, including tips for tips for highlighting your skills and experience in a resume? A well-crafted resume can make all the difference in a competitive job […]