Alberta Labour Market Information and Employment Services for Newcomers

• Are you looking for reliable and up-to-date information on the labour market in Alberta, Canada?• Do you want to learn where to find resources and employment support to make informed decision? Whether you are looking for your first job in Canada, or looking for information for upskills/reskills trainings, welcome to join this upcoming webinar. […]

Discover Canada – 7 Live Seminars to help you embark on a new journey in Canada

+ Are you considering embarking on a new journey in Canada?+ Do you need guidance on selecting the ideal city to raise your family and leverage your skills and experience? Welcome to Global Talent Alliance Canada (G-TAC)’s National digital platform, where we are proud to provide premier resources and connections for professionals developing their careers […]

Career Forum: 7 Live Seminars to Help Broaden Your Career Horizons in Canada

• Ever wondering where to find the job that will unleash your passion and potentials?• Ever pondering re-launch your career to fulfill your career goals? • Ever thinking to grow your professional network? • Ever trying to find out the pathways to work in Canada? Welcome to the Global Talent Alliance Canada(G-TAC)’s National digital platform. […]

加拿大房屋的日常维护和保养 – 室内篇

• 在加拿大拥有房产,需要哪些必要的维护?• 不同类型的房产对维护的需求有差异吗? • 房屋的维护很重要吗?对房产保值增值的影响很大吗? 在加拿大有了房子才知道,草都是需要关爱的。何况花费了我们大笔资金的房子,更选哟温柔对待。特别是对于我们新移民,加拿大的房子和气候与我们在中国熟悉的环境都有很大的差别,了解在维护方面的一些知识,算是必修课了。 无论自住还是投资,房子的日常维护都非常重要。加拿大四季分明,冬季寒冷漫长,房屋的维护还有季节性的因素。那么我们应该做哪些必要的日常维护工作,换季时候又应该做哪些整修更换, 不仅事关我们居住的舒适,更关乎维修的支出和麻烦的大小,不仅可以减少不必要的大修大换费用, 同时为将来的保值升值打好基础。 非常高兴在这样一个早春时节和大家一起讨论加拿大房屋的日常维护保养,如何做一个合格的业主,爱我们的家,维护保养我们的家园,住得放心舒心。 本期讲座由G-TAC的特约多伦多房产专家SOFIA WU和FORREST WANG 主讲,她们都有丰富的执业经验。 据说不了解房屋维护就成不了金牌地产经纪。让我们一起期待。  

Explore the Career Path for Nursing Related Occupations in Canada

With the looming aging population, Canada needs more healthcare professionals. While the process to become a registered nurse can be long and complicated, there are other options and career path for internationally educated nurses (IENs) to fast track their career in Canada. In this webinar, from the subject matter experts of the industry, you will […]


• 加拿大房屋贷款的类别• 最新贷款政策介绍 • 加拿大房屋贷款的基本流程 安居乐业应该是每一个移民家庭的小目标吧。 置业既是安居所需,也是资产保全的选择之一。 您知道什么是海外收入项目,什么是新移民贷款项目吗?无论是自住还是投资,您都需要对置业贷款的基本常识有所学习和了解,才能做更有利于自己和家庭的决策。 本期讲座, G-TAC很荣幸地邀请到加拿大皇家银行的贷款专员Robin Yang先生,为大家介绍加拿大房屋贷款的基础知识。Robin Yang, 皇家银行房屋贷款经理,具有七年加拿大房屋贷款工作经验,先后在丰业银行,蒙特利尔银行,及皇家银行从事贷款经理工作。2016年加入皇家银行,连续多年获得全加拿大优秀贷款经理称号,2020年在美国获得皇家银行杰出贡献奖。Robin十年前移民加拿大,在中国是中国注册会计师,注册税务师和注册资产评估师。  

Accelerating Your Accounting Career: Insights, Skills, and Opportunities by Robert Half

The demand for accounting professionals is increasing at a steady pace. Accounting is often regarded as the “language of business,” and the application of its principles is critical to a company’s success. Professional accountants can serve in a variety of roles, from individual proprietors to upper management positions within an organization.Join our live webinar presented […]

蒙城新移民生活分享:说说关于‘住’的那些事 – 如何找出租房以及如何买自住房

• 初到蒙特利尔,如何选择适合自己的出租房?• 准备买房的话,该从何开始如何买到合意的房子? • 法语不是强项,签租房或者买房合同时要注意哪些事项? 蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市,有良好的教育资源和社会服务体系,有很友好的新移民服务政策和补贴,也是65家大型国际机构设立公司总部的办公地点,吸引了来自世界各地的人才来此生活工作。由于法语是魁省的官方语言,很多官方信息都是发文的,为法语不是强项的新移民朋友们多少带来一些不方便。不用担心哦, 我们很高兴地请到当地的新移民陆纯,为大家分享她的体验和观察。 主讲人介绍:陆纯,留学法国里尔高商 , 取得了供应链管理与采购硕士,同时她还取得了法国里尔戴高乐大学 的国际合作与跨文化交流硕士。 出国前就职于法国航空工业北京代表处。2018年移居蒙特利尔,五年以来,先是在蒙特利尔知名的地产公司从事合同审核管理和部分财务工作,随后考取了魁北克持牌住宅和商业地产牌照,成为魁省注册双牌照地产经纪,并在疫情期间完成了魁省会计职业证书。同时她也是G-TAC的志愿者,负责魁省移民的登陆准备以及蒙城当地生活及教育就业信息的收集和分享。  

Things To Do After Attending A Career Fair

Are you wondering how to make the most out of your experience at a career fair? Do you struggle with following up with employers after attending a fair? If so, then our upcoming webinar is just what you need!Come and join Mr. Shaw Quan, Senior Employment Consultant, for an informative and engaging session where you’ll […]


• 加拿大雇主对雇员的工作能力有什么样的期待?• 新移民该如何理解加拿大式“政治正确”,避免在工作中踩雷? • 都说加拿大人沟通起来很直接,为什么当你直接提出反对意见时却让别人感觉不舒服? 每年有大量新移民来到加拿大定居,为本地经济注入活力。这些新移民有宝贵的知识和技术而且勤奋认真地工作。但在与祖国完全不同的环境与文化中,新移民往往面对着许多由于文化差异所造成的挑战。只有通过学习并正确理解加拿大职场文化,才能最大程度地避免误会,为成功扫除障碍。 主讲人Ariane Guan, 卡尔加里成长并参加工作,有超过10年为新移民服务的工作经验。目前就职大学,担任大学生的就业顾问。在这个讲座她将会聚焦移民群体,具体讲解华人新移民在加拿大职场中最常遇到文化差异。  

Explore Construction Careers in Canada

Are you interested in pursuing a career in the thriving construction industry in Canada? Look no further than the upcoming webinar by BC Construction Association, where we will be exploring the various career paths available in this exciting field.Join us for this informative session where our panel experts will provide valuable insights into various career […]

Meet the Employer – Cognizant

Cognizant is hiring!Join Sonia Sharma and Sathya Babu—two members of our talent acquisition team in Canada—for an interactive session introducing Cognizant. We are a leading IT services firm with 7,500+ associates across Canada, working to transform our client’s business, operating, and technology models for the digital era. In this session, you’ll learn about Cognizant’s culture […]