What’s unique about the construction industry in terms of employers/hiring needs in Canada?

• What’s unique about the construction industry in terms of employers/hiring needs?• What is the licensing process for the top three professions in the construction industry: skilled trades, engineers, and architects? • How do I get supports if I want to start my career in this industry? Description: Contributing7.5 per cent of Canada’s GDP, and […]


– 初至加拿大,如何”快速”找到”专业对口的工作?– 如何克服网申工作时简历石沉大海的困局和尴尬? – 好不容易拿到面试机会,该注意哪些细节确保通过? 在加拿大人生地不熟工作很难找吗?entry-level的岗位是否值得尝试?无论移民前的工作经历多么丰富,工作成就如何耀眼,移民来到加拿大都会多多少少面对一些挑战。 同时, 在陌生的国度如何快速职场启航,对个人和家庭都很重要。本期讲座, 我们很高兴地邀请到Tina Wu, 为大家分享她在加拿大找工作过程中总结出的技巧和经验,相信一定可以帮到正在找工作的朋友们。 Tina在来加拿大前一直在银行工作,而且取得了非常优秀的成绩。定居于加拿大东部城市哈利法克斯后,仅用2月时间就斩获了加国五大银行中4家银行的offer, 逢面必过;更为令人赞赏的是,她不仅自己一直在职场不断努力进步,同时非常热心分享自己在职业发展 期间的心得,包括秘籍和干货。让我们一起变得强大!  

Understanding the Career Path to UX Designer

“We need more people with UX skills in tech and this is a great avenue for people to start a new career in this field or make a career change.”(Catherine, VP of Design at Google)”Led by a veteran UX Design practitioner with over a decade of insider know-hows, this workshop looks at UX design as a […]


– 买房过程中的‘OFFER’和‘合同’是一回事吗?– OFFER有哪些的种类和格式? – 下OFFER时需要的注意事项有哪些? 移民加拿大开启一段新的人生旅程,买房是很多人需要经历的事情。家庭最重要的一笔费用支出,当然要对各个环节做到心中有数。 可以说,下OFFER 是我们买卖房屋中最重要一个环节,决定了成交与否,也为日后的顺利成交打下基础。 下OFFER有什么特殊的注意事项,有什么要避免的雷?我们说的OFFER中的条件是怎样规定的?下无条件的OFFER意味着什么, 有什么后果?兵马未动粮草先行,在看房下OFFER之前,我们来了解一下‘OFFER’,看看都有哪些主要格式条款,您的权利和义务是怎么划定的。这样等到遇见中意的房源,下Offer的时候,您可以做到心中有数,也明白自己签署的文件是什么。G-TAC很高兴继续邀请经验丰富的WIN-WIN TEAM为您介绍关于房屋买卖中‘OFFER’的那些事儿,抛砖引玉,帮助大家做个明明白白的房主。WIN-WIN TEAM致力于给大家介绍买房卖房过程中的基础知识,为大家提供精确的市场信息,帮助您顺利地安家置业,做好准备,少走弯路,更快地融入加拿大本地生活。 您的安居,我的乐业。    

How To Make The Most of An Online Job Fair

• How to get prepared for an online job fair?• What to say (or not to say) when communicating with a recruiter? • How to leverage the VCE11 to grow your professional network and ride with the new trend in the labour market? The race for talent is imminent. We are up for it! Where […]


• 加拿大雇主对雇员的工作能力有什么样的期待?• 新移民该如何理解加拿大式“政治正确”,避免在工作中踩雷? • 都说加拿大人沟通起来很直接,为什么当你直接提出反对意见时却让别人感觉不舒服? 每年有大量新移民来到加拿大定居,为本地经济注入活力。这些新移民有宝贵的知识和技术而且勤奋认真地工作。但在与祖国完全不同的环境与文化中,新移民往往面对着许多由于文化差异所造成的挑战。只有通过学习并正确理解加拿大职场文化,才能最大程度地避免误会,为成功扫除障碍。 主讲人Ariane Guan, 卡尔加里成长并参加工作,有超过10年为新移民服务的工作经验。目前就职于卡尔加里大学,就业顾问。在这个讲座她将会聚焦移民群体,具体讲解华人新移民在加拿大职场中最常遇到文化差异。  

Discover Canada – 7 LIVE Webinars to Take You to Explore Opportunities across Canada

Are you exploring how to start a new chapter in your life in Canada? Are you trying to figure out which city to raise your family and best utilize your skills and experience? Welcome to the Global Talent Alliance Canada(g-TAC)’s National digital platform. G-TAC is a premier provider of resources & connection platforms for professionals developing their […]

11th National Virtual Career Expo

The race for talent is happening now. We are up for it!The 11th National Virtual Career Expo (VCE11) is an online national talent attraction and job fair in Canada on April 5&6, 2022. It aims to connect job seekers with hiring companies, provide up-to-date options for career development or career transition, and provide a networking […]

Career Forum – 7 LIVE Webinars to Learn Different Options for Your Career Development

1. Are you looking for a job commensurate with your professional skills and experience?2. Are you thinking of a career transition and wanting to explore more options? 3. Are you trying out to pursue career development and grow your professional network? Welcome to the Global Talent Alliance Canada(g-TAC)’s National digital platform. G-TAC is a premier provider of resources & connection […]

Meet the Employer – Cancel: improving field to finish productivity

About the Employer: Cansel helps clients, capture, transform and manage data leading to increased field to finish efficiency and profitability. We provide our customers with equipment, consumables and solutions for Survey Equipment and field supplies, mapping and GIS equipment, Autodesk software, fully integrated drones, wide format printing, precision agriculture solutions, vertical building solutions and more.  […]


学校排名每年的变化大吗,对我们选择学区房有怎样的指导意义?学区会不会经常变化,买了房子后被划分到别的学校呢? 租住好的学区的房子是不是更划算?                 大多伦多地区作为加拿大的经济中心,宽容友好的城市环境,大量涌入的外来人口,发达的经济状况,丰富多元的文化融入,繁荣多样的就业机会,新兴包容的意识形态,相对平和的社会体系,大事件面前的从容应对的社会保障制度,这些都构成了多伦多在加拿大所有大城市群中不可比拟的独领风骚。 城市大了,选择多了,需要考量的因素就多了, 而置业安家,是每一个家庭的重中之重。新移民在哪里安家,不仅关系当下的职业发展子女教育,也许还会有更长远的影响。本期讲座我们关注多伦多以及它的学区和学区房。欢迎参加WIN&WIN team的SOFIA WU/FORREST WANG 合作推出的魅力多伦多之学区及学区房系列讲座。