徐徐道来(2 )- 新移民登陆NB省,如何少走弯路,快速适应

• 您想了解NB省和省会弗莱的基本情况吗?• 开始新生活,新移民如何准备如何安顿,有哪些注意事项? • 既来之则安之,移民生活怎样才能有滋有味,尽快融入当地社会呢? 此心安处是吾乡。欢迎您,New Brunswick(NB)省的新移民!是不是对这个新家的名字还有点陌生呢?其实,这些年来NB省定居的新移民越来越多了。弗莱(Fredericton)是NB省的省会,离蒙克多(Moncton)和圣约翰城都很近,那里的生活方便吗?枫叶卡,医疗卡,买房买车,申请福利,一系列登陆后面临的问题怎么解决呢? 如果您有这样的担忧和困惑,欢迎您来听听新移民老徐的分享, 2022年她登陆NB省,并快速找到专业工作,是一个做事有准备、生活有目标的人。她的经验分享及当地生活体验,一定可以为您在NB省的衣食住行提供多快好省的借鉴和tips。让我们共同期待吧。  

Green Jobs and Their Rising Demand in Canada by ECO Canada

– Are you curious about the booming world of green jobs and their increasing demand in Canada?– Do you want to discover how you can be a part of this sustainable and impactful movement? Join us for an enlightening webinar hosted by ECO Canada, where we will delve into the exciting realm of environmental work […]

Job Search Strategies and Tips to Landing My First Accounting Job in Canada

Are you eager to launch or re-launch your career in the accounting field in Canada but unsure of where to begin?Come and join Chelsea Liu, a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) of Canada, Senior Financial Analyst, for an empowering webinar that will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and resources needed to navigate the path to […]

How to Craft an Impressive Resume for the Canadian Labour Market

In today’s competitive job market, a powerful resume can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and securing your dream job. Join us for an insightful webinar on “Resume Workshop” led by Shaw Quan, a seasoned Employment Consultant.During this engaging session, you will gain valuable insights on how to create a professional resume tailored for […]

Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants

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? Boost Your Career at the 14th National Virtual Career Expo in Canada!

Get ready to take your career to the next level! Come and join the 14th National Virtual Career Expo – Canada’s largest online talent attraction and job fair! This event is not just any career fair; it’s your opportunity to supercharge your professional journey and your gateway to success in the rapidly evolving world of […]

? Meet the Employer – Mini Hiring Info Session with Paper Excellence! ?

Paper Excellence is hiring! We have a range of openings across various departments, from coast to coast in Canada!Come and join us to learn more about Paper Excellence, the dynamic career opportunities we offer, and our hiring process? Our Talent Acquisition specialists: Leah Tecson-Veloso and Agina Claudia will guide you through all the details! ? […]

Discover Canada – 7 Live Seminars to Guide Your Journey

? Are you considering embarking on a new journey in Canada?? Do you seek guidance on choosing the perfect city to raise your family while leveraging your skills and experience? Welcome to Global Talent Alliance Canada (G-TAC)’s National digital platform, where we take pride in offering top-tier resources and connections for professionals forging their careers […]

Career Forum: Exploring Diverse Career Opportunities in Canada (7 LIVE webinars)

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Insights on Canada’s Construction Industry and Employment Opportunities

– Did you know that the construction sector in Canada is booming like never before?– Have you ever wondered what exciting pathways this dynamic industry holds for newcomers like you? – What are the services/programs to help you kickstart your journey in Canada’s construction sector? #DYK, construction is one of Canada’s largest industrial sectors, accounts […]

Mastering Follow-Up Strategies: Maximize Your Success After Online Job Fairs

Are you feeling like your efforts go unnoticed after attending online job fairs? Do you want to turn those initial connections into meaningful job opportunities? Look no further!At our upcoming webinar, we’re diving deep into the art of follow-up after online job fairs. We’ll equip you with the skills and strategies you need to transform […]